With fast-acting pain relief medications widely available in the market, most people opt to relieve themselves of all types of discomfort and pain by purchasing medications from the nearest drug store. However, for more intense levels of pain, the standard solution is a trip to the hospital for pain management, where patients suffering from an excruciating pain receive an opioid prescription. These pain scenarios can range from arthritic knee pain to accident injuries suffered in a car accident. (read more in article link.) Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic https://tebbyclinic.com/ Subscribe to our Youtube channel You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TebbyClinic Article Link: https://tebbyclinic.com/chiropractic-care-an-alternative-to-opioids/ Products Link: https://tebbyclinic.com/products/ Face Book: https://www.facebook.com/TebbyClinic/ GMB: https://tebby-chiropractic-and-sports-medicine-clinic.business.site Twitter: https://twitter.com/tebbyclinic Pinterest...